Thursday, August 30, 2007

Library 2.0- Breeding Techno Savvy, but Customer Friendly Librarians

Web 2.0, now Library 2.0, so many 2.0 soon it may Life 2.0. But anyway From reading the various perspectives on Library 2.0 from the library and information science profession, the one running theme I notice is technology and change. I think as a Librarian, a major quality is to enjoy technology and change. The profession has been changing since Benjamin Franklin created the Library Company of Philadelphia. Our ideas and the way we provide service to persons is evolving. I feel as a librarian you should be able to adapt to these changes and embrace technology. I always feel that the future of libraries is going to look like the library in the movie "Time Machine" 2002 where there will be no librarian standing at the desk and no print sources; all will be is a computer generated person doingthe reference interview and the information digitally appears. That part of the movie is so cool, especially since they had the Seven Up guy, Orlando Jones as the virtual librarian. I look ahead to the future of libraries and Library 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and so on.